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Support the association

The John Grube Foundation supports patients and people affected by the disease GPA. For that we need your support!
Become a member today or make a donation.

The association is financed exclusively through donations and membership fees. With your help, we have already been able to invest over € 100,000 in research funding. Here you will find an overview of our previous fundraising campaigns - We would like to thank our members and supporters for this.


Declaration of membership


I hereby apply for membership in the John Grube Foundation eV association

Membership data

Annual membership fee

The annual membership fee is 25 euros for schoolchildren and students and 100 euros for all other members. Membership applications before June 30 of a year require the full annual membership fee, and half of the membership fee for applications after June 30.

Contributions are paid by direct debit and are due on January 1st of each year.

We are very happy about voluntarily higher contributions!

SEPA direct debit mandate

I hereby authorize the John Grube Foundation eV association to collect payments from my account by direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my bank to redeem the direct debits drawn on my account by the John Grube Foundation eV association.

The data is stored by the association administration on electronic data carriers during membership.

Spenden Formular

Support us with your donation

John Grube Foundation eV
DE37 2005 0550 1043 2371 79
Hamburger Sparkasse

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt. Please request this by email or write your address details in the transfer.


John Grube Foundation eV
Ohnhorststrasse 31
22609 Hamburg
+49 170/9656396


John Grube Foundation eV
DE37 2005 0550 1043 2371 79
Hamburger Sparkasse


© 2021 JOHN GRUBE FOUNDATION  |  Conditions  |  imprint  |  data protection  |  revocation

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